Wednesday 26 September 2018

Words Wanted Wednesday

The other night I was bitten. Twice. Notice the four little puncture marks on me from one of the bites.
How does this happen ? Well, I was ambushed as I left the bedroom and chased downstairs by Mesi (do not believe those sweet little eyebrows, she is a tortie terrorist) and then Sampo and Pekka joined the 'fun' as I was cornered under the kitchen table. I protested loudly but still got chomped. Twice. I do not know why they do this, and nor does Äiti, as I live alongside them quite peacefully most of the time. But when Mesi gets her tailio floofed, all hell can break out and some of the others join in.
I, of course. had some medicinal treats and foods, and was fine. I did not like the stabby antibiotics I got from ystävämme eläinlääkäri but was told that had to happen as bites get pretty nasty. 
And Äiti wants me to tell her exactly who bit me . these are the words she wants. But I am not going to tell though, Felocratic loyalty is important afterall! 


  1. Kitties never tell on other kitties - it's a Cat Rule.

  2. Love and kisses to you, sweet boy. Heal well and feel better soon.

  3. Snitches get stitches ;) Although, you didn't fare too well getting a shot. I hope you feel better quickly.

  4. Viscount Veikko! This is completely unacceptable! NO ONE bites my Viscount! I'm coming over there to give some kitties a piece of my mind...
    *grabbing car keys, pulling on coat...*

  5. That was not nice of them! Maybe the others join in because they are afraid the tortie terror will have them in her sights if they don't.

  6. We agree with Summer. That's cat stuff, that's all. Purrs

  7. Oh Veikko, that was mean of the others! Does Aiti use Feliway? That helps keep the peace around here. TBT can tell when the dispenser is empty, we get hissy...

  8. we admire your loyalty but Amarula wants you to know that she is willing to come and give Mesi a beat down even though she is a tortie! Tortie's should show better restraint! Especially to a great feline like the V Man!! Amarula has bought a booklet of stamps and as soon as she can get frodo to lick them and put them on her she will jump into a mailbox and soon be on her way to Finland to protect you!!


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