Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Toesday with Stinkeye

Jaava takes excellent care of her paws and claws-just as well as clippy claws would result in bloods for Äiti.
 However she does not appreciate her preparations being photographed. Back off!


  1. We'll just admire her admire her jelly-bean toe pads from a distance...

  2. Jaava, we admire your feline gymnastics to keep your claws in shape! Surely that’s worth a few camera clicks?

  3. Whoa! Yeah, keep your distance.

  4. You are really getting in between those toes for Toesday. You are such a cutie in the photos. That last picture says you better put down that camera. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a wonderful day. Enjoy!!
    World of Animals


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