Saturday 15 July 2017

The Meaning of Felocracy

Now we are settling to our new hierarchy, we have deemed ourselves a felocracy - all of us are equal, sort of. What Äiti sees is one thing, what we do is another of course. We will have various spokescats on the blog, but often we will speak as one. Afterall, we've not had a lot of typing practice over the years seeing as Punapippuri hogged the blog all to himself. Fair play, it was his blog afterall. But we're not sure how it will turn out especially as some of us seem to have more to say than others.......

An example of our collaboration can be seen in today's sequence. Äiti visited our favourite petshop, Muskettikoira and came home with a new product: minced mouse. yes, you read it right. We guess this is for felines unable to catch their own. She could not resist - we were going to try it.
Observe the dynamic: not a single open mouth. Ruska sniffs it disdainfully. Pekka, Jaava, Mesi and Seppo are traumatised - fresh meat they do not like. This is a new concept.  And Jura knows exactly how to turn on the stinkeye.
Several minutes later the plates were still untouched. Remove them !
Now this is better - back to our usual wet food. Well, actually it's the kitten variety still left over from trying to get the King all fattened up. At this point subtle differences in the felocratic ranking may be noted. Yes, there are two bowls; no, sharing is not equal.
And the equality is about to become more skewed......
As usual, Äiti wished to record the whole procedure and she has the video below, documenting our bowls of rejected rodent remains.


  1. Ha ha ha! I guess mousie is only tasty when it's fresh on the hoof, so to speak. And squealing! That second picture tells a tragic story--just *look* at poor Pekka--soooooo disappointed: What a$$hattery is THIS? he wants to know. Poor little hungry darlings.

  2. Surely your human could catch you fresh mice and mince them herself????
    MOL! (our human wouldn't!)

  3. Wow, you guys didn't want the minced mouse? I already eat raw for dinner, so I bet I'd like mouse.

  4. oh, for COD'S sake. MINCED mounce? Where's the fun in skull crushing and bone crunching...a$$hattery indeed!

  5. Hmmmmmmmm. Our Mom is silly in many ways, but she normally has a good memory. She thinks she recalls Äiti saying that she's not dealing with picky eaters. Äiti said something like "as there's so many of them, they are feeling stressed to eat because the competition is so great".

    Denying food is something we do several times a week, sometimes several times a day, hehe. We're happy that you show Äiti the drill of dealing with picky eaters - it sure drives Mom crazy.

    1. If one of us is really picky then it's usually a sign of something being wrong - as it was with Punapippuri - and then Special Foods are offered. If it is food that is liked one day and ignored the next, then Äiti has little sympathy as your Mom remembers, but this was totally new food which we all universally refused emphaptically so it was removed. This is the power of Felcocracy.

  6. Minced mouse? With furs and claws? Taste the fresh/frozen pork heart. It's our daily treat for 7-yrs young junior and full of precious taurin..

    1. Now we LIKE the sound of that! Get yourself off to the supermarket, Äiti.

  7. Minced mouse ? MINCED MOUSE! Not quite sure how my quarted would react to that but this cat mama would love to try it! For them, that is.

  8. Huh. Wonder if WE would like something like that ? Except we're on a prescription diet and mom won't feed us anything else.

  9. Oh dear, a huge fail! I am not surprised though. When we used to cut the grass for hay a lot of bodies were left behind if they didn't scuttle down their holes fast enough. Admittedly they were more mashed than minced, but Flynn wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Eric would sample a tiny bit of them, but he never could turn down something offered on a plate, albeit a grassy one.

  10. Yesh. mousies... But how can I hunting mousies like that? Ask, hunting-girl from farm and forest...



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Saa kirjoitta suomeksikin - Äiti on laiska, mutta on pakko oppia suomea.

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